Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 2 Hero's Journey- Denitza

The stages of change in the protagonist (Michael Corleone).

*The Innermost Cave- The hero goes through some kind of change, and then is reborn in some way-physically, internally, emotionally, or spiritually.

This stages is illuminated in Sicily. It is in Sicily when Michael goes through a change of emotion, and power. His first trial is when he goes to Apollonia's father and asks for her hand. He basically makes her father an offer he cannot refuse. This is a change in Michael's life, because he makes a progression into being a similar speaker as his father, strong and consice with what he says. His emotions go through a change as well. He cared strongly for Kay, yet married a different woman. In conclusion all the changes from this stage shape the character of Michael for when he returns to NY. But through all these changes, Michael Corleone comes out from Sicily as a confident man with strengths in speaking, women and business.

*Return and Reintegration with Society- The hero uses his new wisdom to restorefertility and order to the land.

This is basically when Michael comes back from Sicily with a greater understanding with what he can do and how the family runs the business. He then takes over his father's job and continues the mafia affaires to make himself head Don of NY. He then has full power to put order to the land and the people.

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