Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 2 Connection- Denitza

Women Minority

This is a connection between the society in Persepolis and the society in the Godfather and how women are treated. In Persepolis, when women were married, they had to stay committed to their marrige and nobody else. Women then were not used because they were strongly committed to their husband, even though sometimes the husbands were not as committed to their wives, just like Sonny was not with his wife, Sandra.
Another connection between the treatment of women in both societies would be that the women were never given the right to know, discuss or get into business. Is this because women are easily moveable, emotionally and metally? (Just like Kay was moved by Michael when he returned from Sicily and made her believe that he had not forgotten her, even though he did not say a word to her for a few years!) (Or just like Marjane could not find herself for most of the book?)
So the questions that I am trying to get to is:
1) Should women and men be equal in the knowledge that happens within the family?
2) Shouldn't women be allowed to obtain the same rights to do business as men?
3) Does time and the place you live change who you are? (Marjane and Kay)

This is a very confusing message, but it is something that I would like some other people's ideas on it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know Denitza... many would argue that gender is entirely a social construct and men and women only learn to be different; but then again, we have very different hormone levels and different abilities when it comes to focusing and multi-tasking. In the end, it might only be the individual that matters, so what , aside from biology, makes you, Denitza, female?
